2013-09-16 17:59:10 UTC
I have a decent job and good income, and five years ago, I bought quite large amount of stock, and the company suddenly went bankrupt this year and all my stock had been wiped out.
For example, if my income from job is $X for this year, and the stock loss is $Y, where Y > X. So technically I have negative income this year, but I am only allowed to claim 3000 stock loss per year. So should my financial ability is (X-3000) or (X-Y) for this this year.
I think I will need to provide the most recent three years of financial information, since the VISA is in next year, so I will need to provide financial information of years 2011, 2012 and 2013. Will my current year (2013) of financial information be okay as Affidavit of Support document?