Yesterday the website told me feb 17th, this morning is now tells me,
We have received your tax return and it is being processed. For more information, please continue.
If you have questions or need additional information, please have the following on hand when you call:
* A copy of this page.
* A copy of your tax return.
* The Social Security Number, Filing Status, and refund amount claimed on your return.
* Tell the representative that it has been more than 6 weeks since you filed your return.
Please mention reference number 1301 to the IRS Customer Service Representative.
I am not to sure what is going on but a lot of people are having the same issue.
1301 code is only for going over 3 weeks when you e-file. I just got off the phone with the IRS I had the same problem and I was suppose to get mine on the 17th of Feb and got the 1301 code this morning she told me there was a delay in the e-filing and that it would be deposited on Friday the 20th. Since they do there deposits on Fridays.