Where do you suggest going to files your taxes?
2007-01-17 08:04:37 UTC
What place feels most comfortable to you and really seems to look out for your best interest and charges a reasonable fee?
236 answers:
2007-01-17 08:07:06 UTC
H&R Block. They have a great reputation and are widely known.
2016-05-24 04:05:20 UTC
This depends on how complicated your tax situation is and how comfortable you are handling your own return. If your taxes are simple and you're comfortable then use turbotax or TaxAct. They are pretty good softwares that guide you through to do your own return. If you are either complicated or uncomfortable than where you go depends on the level of expertise you need. H&R Block is good for simple stuff, but personally, you'll never get the same help as a CPA can give you. Someone off the street can go in, take a 6 week course, and prepare your taxes. Your mechanic could be your tax preparer! Bottom line, if you have some complicated stuff like K-1's or a growing schedule C, go to a CPA.
Nancy B
2007-01-22 23:05:21 UTC
Ok... you've gotten a lot of answers that say "Get Turbo Tax". I was a tax preparer for years, and have gotten a lot of questions from people that are similar to, "Hi, my friend says you do his / her taxes and I bought Turbo Tax because I want to do my own, but I don't understand what they mean when they ask me _______."

Depending on how simple your return is, you may be fine with Turbo Tax. Although it's possible you could file for free with the IRS. I would stay away from Jackson Hewitt, they have a bad rep. H & R Block is somewhat better, but if you want genuine, personal attention and are sure you're getting every legal deduction you deserve, then you can always go to a professional CPA. Get references! Just because someone has CPA behind their name doesn't mean they're going to be any good. You can also see an Enrolled Agent. I know a lot of people might think I'm being a little demanding with that "get references" comment, but just remember... this is YOUR money that you're trusting them with. During my career I helped many people who had been swindled by bad accountants. Many of them even claimed to be CPA's. Some of them actually were.

You can also go to your states Board of Professional Regulation to make sure that they are what they say they are.
2007-01-22 12:09:41 UTC
I strongly advise against going to a "tax boutique" that sets up in the mall, etc. Their people are paid by piecework (every form is so much money in their pocket).

Speed is of the essence with them, too. Consequently, there is an incentive to just go along with you when you want to deduct something that is improper.

I worked for the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program for three years. I can't tell you how many people would get upset with me when I told them they couldn't deduct college books (the rule is that college expenses must be a fee payable to the institution as a condition of attendance). They'd get cranky and say "[Famous Tax Preparer] let me do it for 3 years!"

Sorry, Famous Tax Preparer was wrong. He was also wrong when he said you could deduct your internet connection fee because you take an online correspondence course.

Famous Tax Preparer just knows most people don't get audited, and when they do...oops, sorry. Cost of doing business.

There is a list of online tax filing services that the IRS approves (note: APPROVES, not endorses). I have put the link below. Depending on your income level, they may charge nothing.

The more complex your tax situation (investments, etc) the more you should consider having an accountant or other professional BESIDES [famous tax preparer] do your return.

Good luck, and don't miss your deadline!
2007-01-22 19:02:33 UTC
I love H&R Block Online and have used it since 2000. It's the best of both worlds in my opinion -- the expertise and, depending on the option you choose, personal touch of H&R Block, but the ease, convenience, and privacy of using tax software at home whenever you have the well as the ability to stop, save where you are, and come back when you're ready.

The price is reasonable, generally cheaper than personal service, and mostly cheaper than the tax software you can find.

NOTE: If you have an income of $25K or less per year, you can file for free through your choice of providers by visiting Look for that, too.
2007-01-22 11:35:24 UTC
If you made less than $52 K please go to the IRS website. You can file for free. You have a choice of prgrams to choose from. I chose Turbo Tax because I am familiar with that tax program. I purchased the program for the last three years but then I was browsing the IRS website and found out that I could file for free! I was so happy because I really didn't want to spend the $40 for the program this year. It ask the same question that other tax programs ask. Why pay when you can do it free mail it in or file rapid. It is great.
2007-01-21 12:01:33 UTC
If you're looking for someone else to do your taxes try a local LICENSED tax preparer. Stay away from places like jackson hewitt and h&r block. Very overpriced and most of their employees don't really understand the tax laws. They just input data without really understanding why they are doing it. A local smaller firm is your best bet. They will almost always be way cheaper than those other guys. Most of their business comes from referrals so they need to know what they are doing and do it at a reasonable cost. Just make sure whoever does them for you is licensed . They will have to have a bond on file just in case they do make a serious error and you are held liable to the IRS. At least you'll be able to how your preparer accountable.
2007-01-21 07:35:44 UTC
Many CPA's offer this service. You might want to check with the better business bureau about the firms history. A great deal depends upon the complexity of your return. If you are filing a 1040 -EZ or 1040-A, the charge should be minimal. If you are filing a 1040 and have business or partnership income, you definitely need a professional. You want to avoid the rapid refund scam as that really is a high interest loan. I use the Turbo tax software. This requires a computer and the program will interview you and prepare your return.
2007-01-17 23:43:12 UTC
dont go anywhere. Do it online. Turbo tax. They charge a fee but it isnt that much. You answer questions and it helps you fill it out and you can even Electronically file your taxes! Over the internet. No paperwork to mail in.

by the way I know people who had bad problems with H& R block. Some of the people who work there dont know anything. And the news in my area even did an investigative report on it last year and the H& R reps were so stupid and INCORRECTLY filed the undercover reporters taxes and said they could claim things they couldnt claim which was illegal!
2007-01-22 18:22:48 UTC
I would recommend TaxAct. Their website addresss is

As a new customer, you get everything for just $10. That's the Federal free, and the state at $10. In the following year, you can get the full package (Fed and State) for $19.95, or if you don't mind ordering early in the year, then it's for only $17. That's the route I go because they don't charge my credit card account until the software is available. It's available by January 15th, they bill my credit card then, and I download it then. If something goes wrong with the download, or I accidentally erase it, I just go back to the site and download it again for free.

You can also get it mailed to you on a CD for an extra $5.00. I download it every year because it's cheaper that way.

When I first started to do my taxes with software, I used H&R Block. Did it for two years in a row. It was ok, but I just hated that insane rebate thing they put me through. I had to pay around sixty or seventy bucks, and then after filling out forms and sending them to two different addresses, I'd get my money back. What a hassle--an unnecessary hassle in my mind.

During my second year with H&R Block, they told me I didn't qualify for the rebate. I argued with them via email for months, and they never gave in, but eventually I received my rebate in the mail. Too late then. The damage had been done. I was pissed off to no end. That's when I found out about TaxAct from a friend in the payroll office where I had a part time job. I've never looked back. I use TaxAct every year now, and it costs me only $17.00 each year. It also lets me do what if scenarios. For example, I've already done my 2006 taxes (the one I need to mail or email by April 2007) and my projected taxes for 2007 (the one I need to mail or email by April 2008).

I recommend them very highly. No rebate hassles. No games. And your first year is just ten bucks. Check them out. You won't regret it.

I notice that someone suggested going to the IRS site and getting to do it completely free if your income doesn't exceed $52K. Well, I personally don't think that's a good idea, simply because your income will exceed that amount soon enough (if it doesn't already), so better off, in my opinion, getting used to using software that you'll be able to rely on in future years too.

In the end, the choice is yours, but I doubt you'll ever regret trying out TaxAct. My first year, I accidentally dowloaded the wrong stuff, and went back in to download the right stuff, and then realized I'd gotten my credit card billed twice. This was on a Sunday; so I sent an email to them explaining what had happened. On Monday, the very next day, I got an email back telling me that my accound had been credited to show only one charge. That's how well TaxAct people treat you. No freaking games. If that had happened to me with H&R Block, I would probably have been arguing with them for months.
2007-01-18 06:19:07 UTC
TurboTax, you get step-by-step lesson of learning how to do your taxes yourself, and you get all the money refunded for you ONLY for you, you won't have to pay ANYONE a fee. Also, you don't have to wait in a long line to get it done, all you have to do is upload it to your computer, and get started, and should be completed within an hour. I suggest getting the Deluxe kind, as you can do the federal and state with it (city counts as the states). It's sold at most office and computer stores. (I'm talking about the disk, I know someone that uses it annually and has no problem with it).
2007-01-17 19:12:16 UTC
I like TaxCut online because there is no fee to file federal.

You can start in January and not file until April , if you want to cross check things.

And the Tax Cut system does ALL the calculations, you just fill in the amounts like income, interest on savings, house mortgage interest etc.

They do charge $16 if you want the state taxes filed thru them too.

The only caution to doing online is: The official acceptance notices end up coming back in the junk mail / spam / bulk folder . . . probably because their system is sending out thousands of the emails. So, check the spam box for the next several days to look for the official IRS notice of acceptance.

Good Luck !

Add info: There are actually a number of totally free , file online links available thru the IRS . . . go to their page and the 2007 free file link is on the main page

(no software packages to buy)
2007-01-18 14:58:42 UTC
Turbo tax is very great and simple. It's online orientated and you are able to see exactly how much money you'll be getting back. When I did it last year it only took about 45min to complete my taxes including the time it took to setup a user name and password. They also have software from turbo tax that helps you get the most out of your return. You don't need to buy the software unless you want to maximize your return by finding any deductions. You just go to and get started. I got the california return in like a week in a half and got my federal return in two weeks. Also they save this iformation online protected by the password you generate so that you can access your tax files and print anytime you'd like. Also they save all your information so that next year when you use turbo tax again you can to your taxes a lot quicker.
2007-01-22 15:42:58 UTC
I am guessing you do not like H&R block but anyways, TurboTax and TurboTax Pro are two great softwares that do you taxes for you and you can sumbit them online all you hve to do is type in numbers. BluPoint Tax Services is a good tax service center in Texas that well sit down with you and file your taxes. Consolatiton is free but they charge $100 to do you taxes plus any additional costs that they might have.
2007-01-19 02:22:32 UTC
It all depends on your amount of income and whether you have saved all your receipts needed for a structured, legal tax-deductible report. If you have not saved and categorized the receipts your wasting your time going to a tax preparer and you might as well do them yourself with one of the programs you can buy at any software store. If you do make a considerable income and have saved receipts or can prove what you claim, go to a CPA, if you make say under $50,000.00 a year you can go to one of the advertised tax people in your town. Ask ahead of time how they do the taxes though. I once a while back went to a tax preparer business, I owed no taxes because of deductible exemptions, and he suggested I go ahead and pay taxes of at least $2000.00 on some of my legal deductible claims anyway because he was afraid of the IRS. There is no reason to be afraid of the IRS if you keep everything legal. I did not let him continue and I gathered my receipts and left his office. Doing them yourself can loose you a large amount of money if you don't know the tax laws. You can miss many legal deductibles that way. I hope this helps. I once found a tax lady who attended tax schools and lectures on new laws every year and she was the best by far I've ever used including CPA's. She went back 5 years, refigured each one, and came up with an incredible tax credit for me. I couldn't get the money in cash but I could work it off over a period of 4 years that I had very nice incomes and ended up owing nothing because of the legal credits.
2007-01-18 09:19:46 UTC
My advice would be to look up a good CPA, someone who is well established with a good track record and requests resonable fees. I called around and after 3 or 4 calls found an older fella who was patient and answered all of my questions.

I would also suggest itemizing your deductions if you have had alot of work, school, or medical related expenses.

I paid about $180 last year for my taxes but got back 34% more on my Federal and State returns. One final note, your prior year filing fees are also deductible! Ask your CPA!
2007-01-24 14:01:43 UTC
Turbo Tax
2007-01-22 21:12:45 UTC
Do it yourself and save the money. The booklets that comes with the forms have step by step instructions. If you can read, you can do them yourself.

the dumbest thing taxpayers do is pay a tax filing company an extra fee for getting their refund from the company instead of the IRS.
2007-01-18 16:42:30 UTC
The answer to your question is that it depends, First you should consider the complexity of your tax situation. If you are single and just have a W-2 there's not much to report so it would be a waste to spend the money for a "professiona" tax preparer. However, if you are married, have rental property, have Hope or Life long learning expenses, investments etc. then you might choose a qualified prepares such as H R and Block etc. But as noted if your tax situtation is simple go to Walmart and buy a tax program. It will walk you through all the right questions and give you more value for the money.
2007-01-18 14:29:04 UTC
I've been going to ProTax for since 2002 and that's where I'm staying. I used to watch my grandmother fill out the forms by hand when I was a child (she'd have me opperate the calculator) and it took longer and longer each year. I'm sure if they would have had an affordable company or even the option to take the fee out of the return, she would have done that. The basic choices are to file yourself or to go to a company. I prefer the ProTax because the fact that they know more about tax law updates and all that.
2007-01-18 13:49:53 UTC
I've been doing my own using Turbo Tax, I file Schedule C for small business with Rental properties. Why pay someone to do it when you'd have to drive to there office, a little data entry and your done. I hate giving the government money anyway, The idea of giving someone else money so they can tell you how much you've given the government over the past year drives me up a wall.

Citizen's Against Government Waste

Restore Original Intent:

Eliminate the IRS and implement a fair Tax

Vote Libertarian
2007-01-18 07:02:19 UTC
Depends if you file an EZ form or not. If you have kids and want to itemize you list, find a private person in your town. We called H & R Block last year. They were going to charge $150. I asked the man a simple question over the phone regarding the sale of our home. He had no clue about the taxes. So we went to a private person in our town. He only charged $100 and he saved us $3000.
2007-01-18 05:46:54 UTC
H&R Block... Actually there are tons of places that will do your federal taxes for free if you make under $50,000 a year... just check out,,id=118986,00.html

"The Free File program is a free federal tax preparation and electronic filing program for eligible taxpayers developed through a partnership between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Free File Alliance LLC, a group of private sector tax software companies. Since Free File’s debut in 2003, more than 15.4 million returns have been prepared and e-filed through the program.

Free File allows taxpayers with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $52,000 or less in 2006 to e-file their federal tax returns for free. That means 70 percent of all taxpayers – 95 million taxpayers – can take advantage of the Free File program."
2007-01-17 19:48:01 UTC
I usually use TurboTax Online. It's reasonable and the on line questionnaire is easy to fill out. Then it calculates your taxes for you. Plus, you can store a copy of all the returns you file with them so you never have a problem finding last years' return. Historically I've been able to use the $29.95 version. If I have to sell stocks I may have to use the $49.95 version. This product price includes e-filing.
2007-01-22 20:34:26 UTC
For the last 3 years I have filed my own. I use Turbo Tax. It is very,very simple. They walk you through everything. At the end they even run a check to see if there is anything in your return that the IRS may question or red flag. It is great and cheap, 14.99!
2007-01-23 17:08:18 UTC
while i was refunded more than twice what turbotax had estimated, i would NOT recommend H&R Block. i had really bad service with them. the tax counselor was late to the appointment (unapologetically) and was not knowledgeable of the tax process. in fact, it is the computer that tells the employees how to process taxes. the employees only took a short course to become certified. i took one tax course through a university and know so much more now. i had to pay H&R Block upfront, they would not accept payment via tax refund deduction. i was not informed of the fee until the services were rendered and i was misled by an estimate on their website to what i should expect for a tax refund
2007-01-23 07:21:16 UTC
Personally I love the Tax Software I have used both Tax Cut and Turbo tax both are very good and you get more on your return because you are not paying as much for someone to do it for you. If you must choose to have someone to do it for you I would personally go to H&R Bloch just because it is a well known name.
2007-01-21 05:51:16 UTC
They ALL use the same rules, some stretch those rules further than others, that is why your question is phrased right: by wanting someone who looks out for "best interest" and listens.

If you make under 52k go to to file fast and free, if you make over a hundred k I suggest going to a C.P.A. if you fit in between those two brackets go to one of the "big ones" for fast, convenient, and good price. It is best to ask a friend because all of these big guys use many different people and vary considerably.
2007-01-19 09:03:00 UTC
Turbo Tax- you save money and can deduct the cost of the program, its fill in the blank with extra options to explain things we don't understand, you can also efile it right online, with same program, for a small fee or print and mail.

You learn alot, it has a built in red flag for things you missed or that are not right, and you can have someone from Turbo tax go over your taxes to check them.

Good Luck

Happy Filing!!!
2007-01-18 14:29:18 UTC
Not H & R Block, they will rip you off very quickly, and I have heard reports of them making mistakes and not being held accountable for them, so you will pretty much be outta luck. I suggest filing them online, I actually did it a couple of years ago when I was underage, and they did it for free, you can probably get a good software or web based one for dirt cheap, I would research and find a reliable one (I never had a problem with Turbo Tax, check out the site).
2007-01-18 10:08:43 UTC
CPA firms may be a bit pricey but it could be worth it especially if your financial situation is complex. Also it's good to go with a more established CPA firm when dealing with that first tax return after a major "life change" because they also provide a sort of financial check-up. After that you can complete your tax returns on your own and consult them on an as needed basis if you'd like.

You may also want to check with your local bank or credit union because they sometimes offer tax services to their customers as well. If you do choose to go to an H&R Block or a Jackson Hewitt PLEASE get all of the fees up front before they process your return and see if they offer audit protection. I ‘m not against those types of places I just don’t like the way they sometimes prey on unsuspecting consumers and all those hidden fees.
short fat white girl
2007-01-22 15:22:36 UTC

think about this for a minute

you have worked extremely hard all year long for some chump change, right...

its winter outside..

its cold

theres 5 feet of snow on the ground

with 3 feet of ice underneath the 5 feet of snow

you better have a car (that you have to defrost before going anywhere)

NO CAR??? then you gotta wait on the bus!! (now thats fun)

then you get to these people only to have them smiling in your face


they know you want your money cuz youve worked hard all year long and youll pay anything just to get it back


grab a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate and your dog and gather by the fireplace and do your own taxes!!

you aint gotta sit and wait for the car to warm up...

you a int gotta wait for the bus (which is already 35 minutes late)

it aint gonna cost ya a dime

ya aint gonna yank yourself for $125.00, are ya??

and when you get your money back, send me $50 for this wonderful piece of advice!! or give me Best Answer
2007-01-19 09:59:26 UTC
Use TurboTax. All of the walk in places charge and arm and a leg for itemized tax returns. Turbo Tax guarantees the best return, or your money back, and you can get audit help if you get audited. We've used it the past 3 years and loved it!
2007-01-22 22:18:00 UTC
We prepared our own taxes for years because I did not want to waste our money on a service, Finally my husband talked me into trying HR Block, well it certainly paid off it cost about 100 dollars (rapid refund) and we got back 5 times as much as usuall. I made an appointment one day, went in the next day, and cashed the refund check the day after that, they were fast friendly and very professional I'm definitely using them again.
2007-01-18 11:07:05 UTC
I'd avoid H&R Block, we've used them in the past for a few years and wound up receiving free court-ordered service from them because they lost legal battles about their services.

The last few years I've used one of the free services listed on the site, it was fairly easy and I was able to save my work and come back to it to fill in more details later. FYI, we're a one-income family of 4 with an elderly dependent, as well as home-owners. And to top it all off, I abhor doing taxes, sometimes I just don't get it lol.

So unless you have lots of investments and own a multiple of properties, I'd go the free service. Happy filing!
Eileen R
2007-01-22 15:32:59 UTC
A friend of mine paid hundreds of dollars to an accountant to file her taxes only to find out the accountant used Turbo-tax. Go figure!
2007-01-22 14:53:07 UTC
go to an accounting firm.... it cost just a little more than h&r block.

i would not trust my taxes to someone that took a course, makes minimum wage, & uses a form of turbo tax with no experiance than what the computer says.

this way if you become rich down the line you have an accountant that you can trust.

they will also be able to predict what you will get back next year, tell you what to do to get into a lower bracket & let you know things that you should keep your receipts for to claim next year

Hope this helps,

2007-01-18 07:42:41 UTC
A Certified Tax Accountant. Not a tax preparation company. They just aren't going to get you the return you're looking for. If not you can do your own. I've done mine for years without any issues. Most of the computer software out there is self explanatory and simple to use. Remember to keep everything organized and available in case the IRS wants to see your information.
2007-01-23 02:09:06 UTC
TaxAct is a website that charges about $12 to efile your taxes. It askes you all the questions and checks everything for you, it will even import your last year after you use it so if somethings stay the same you don't have to re-enter things. It is quick and easy. I have used it for years
2007-01-24 13:27:14 UTC
There are several "good" tax programs around. But, you really do get what you pay for. My advice would be to go to Jackson-Hewitt (if you have one in your area) - because the software J-H uses was written under the supervision of income tax professionals. It won't miss any deduction you are entitled to use, and is constantly updated to keep it in line with tax-law changes.
2007-01-18 16:39:50 UTC
TurboTax is the only way to go. It's much less expensive, very accurate and (most of all) very easy to use. Paying someone to do your taxes has become a thing of the past unless you have a very complex tax return to prepare. In which case you can probably afford to pay a CPA to do your taxes.
2007-01-21 08:23:09 UTC
I would suggest going to a CPA if you have high income because you have a higher chance of getting audited. A CPA will argue for you if you have to go see the auditors. H&R Block, which offers the tax gaurantee, will only be there to assist you but the auditors will be asking you all the questions. So it's your choice. How secure do you want to be? The higher your income, the higher your risks of being audited.
2007-01-20 18:09:06 UTC
Turbo Tax
2007-01-18 11:20:16 UTC
I highly recommend Turbotax. It is easy enough to use that I can do it, and I have always dreaded the tax form, the deductions, etc. The software asks me specific questions and they often turn into saved money for me. File it with the click of a button and your refund, if any, comes lightening fast.
2007-01-18 09:17:42 UTC
Anywhere but H & R Block, they have had so many problems in the past and this year, it seems they are opening a whole new can of worms with this "you don't need your w-2 to file with us" scheme. I would suggest an accountant who is in your area year round. That way if you are ever audited, you can find the person who did you taxes to go with you. It is their responsibiltiy, though they may not want you to know that.
2007-01-18 13:59:14 UTC
Turbo Tax
2007-01-24 10:25:53 UTC
HOME IS WHERE! I suggest you first learn to fill them out for your self or call free h&r block or the goverment to assist you in doing this task hay they never ever have your best intrest nor are the fees reasonable that is a term i use "you got big ideas" lol!

hay i bet you can do them yourself and do a better job than they ever could. You see you haveyour best intrest at heart and you wont charge you a fee! lol

you can do it
2007-01-18 08:38:06 UTC
If you have a simple return you can do it yourself with software like Turbo Tax.

NEVER GO TO H&R BLOCK. While some people sware by them, I went through their course (to be compliant with CA law). I saw the calaber of their "graduates." They don't know what they are doing and don't understand tax law. After 20 year of experience, we knew much more thatn the teacher - it is going to be his 2nd year of tax prep. I have also heard of preparers making huge errors and telling the tax preparer to not worry about it and not file an amended return.
2007-01-17 20:18:11 UTC I've used their free version to file over the web and it costs $7.95 to electronically file with the IRS. There is another version that costs a little bit to give you tax help if you need it. I've used Tax Act for the last 5 years and it's great!
2007-01-24 15:09:49 UTC
At home is the best place to do taxes. I do my own taxes at home and there are no fees involved. It may seem bizarre and intimidating at first, but it is a lot easier than you may think. Just follow the instuctions on the forms.
2007-01-22 17:24:18 UTC
H & R Block, same place that's been doing my taxes for over 30 years.
2007-01-22 22:48:08 UTC
Depending on your income...if you go to you can file for free. The site walks you through which system to use depending on your needs. Personally, I've filed on for years. It is a wonderful site and you can do direct deposit right into your bank account & they take the fees right from your refund. If you owe, you just supply your bank info & they take the money for their charges right out of your account. It is fast & easy.
2007-01-18 15:53:14 UTC
Go to a local accounting firm, they can file your taxes and give you financial planning advice. Usually professional accountants know more about taxes (and ways to reduce them legally) than average H&R Block employees. It will cost you anywhere from $100-500 depending on your personal situation and the area you live, but the professional advice is well worth it if they can save you some money in the future.
2007-01-18 00:45:36 UTC
I used TAX ACT last year and I will use it again this year. It is inexpensive and if you order the deluxe package, you get professional advice. It is awesome, this year it is only costing me $12.95 and I am able to take advantage of an auto deposit. You are also able to prepare five e-files. It is great and certainly worth it; the product shines in credibility and customer service. Good luck!
2007-01-23 04:40:31 UTC
For those of us lucky enough to be State Farm members, they offer Turbo Tax online for free.
Coy M
2007-01-22 22:44:23 UTC
Since you are using a computer I would purchase Turbo Tax. It walks you through each step and much cheaper than paying someone else
May I help You?
2007-01-22 20:05:23 UTC

Free forms, schedules and instructions

Fill it out in the privacy of your own home and it's only January and you have until April 15th to finish!

If when you make it in a rought draft, and you find you have on line 38 of the 1040, less than $52,000 in AGI (again line 38), you may file electronically free. - click on FREE Filing, and they ask you the questions, and they even have a way to save it and finish the form later.

GOD bless America.

2007-01-22 14:28:04 UTC
Affinity Tax & Financial

Diana Tilley

619-464-1040 ph

619-464-1084 fax

(Tell her SusieQ ref'd you!)

Diana pulled me out of a huge mess aprx 13 years ago & I've been loyal ever since. I've also referred many others to her as well, including family, friends & biz colleagues.
Beau R
2007-01-18 05:32:40 UTC
I go to a CPA, and have for years. He is knowledgeable and resourceful, in getting me everything which I am due back. He is also ready to go with me in case of an audit. These large franchise companies, charge people to learn how to do taxes, and then hire some of them, on a yearly basis. Therefore the person who does your taxes, probably will not be there, should you get audited.
2007-01-22 16:21:28 UTC
i've tried h&r at different locations for 4 years straight. I thought I keep giving them chances... boy was i wrong.... you get reps that just barely finished their courses working at hr. i even asked to get the returns double checked by the leads everytime and they say its correct... they dont have time to really look at every angle possible like the private people do.

i went to someone private finally in the last two years. it is a little more expensive but well worth it!. i got almost double since.. they really know how to get your moneys worth! go to someone private!
2007-01-24 12:11:16 UTC
Tax office.
Tristen T
2007-01-18 14:50:45 UTC
i do my own taxes online, I go to major tax websites, put my info in and save it and then I compare to see who is going to give me the most refund and that's who I file with. I filed with H&R Block last year, sorry for those who don't like them! They all ask the same crap! I don't remember paying anything last year it was just taken out of my taxes, also I never use that rapid refund stuff, it's like a payday loan, my refund comes in like a week without paying extra money.
2007-01-18 12:49:50 UTC
Turbotax has been the absolute best self-done system online. I was amazed that even after Turbotax took their cut, the return I had was 437 bucks higher than H&R Block and Jackson/Hewitt when they prepared my federal and state taxes.
2007-01-18 09:14:02 UTC
I agree, turbo tax online is easy. Plus if you are able to claim any EIC, your federal taxes are free to file. but you have to pay state.

Honestly, doing your own taxes is really not hard at all. I do mine all the time, cuz I am too cheap to pay someone to do something I can do myself. (kinda like when i color my hair, or wash my car, lol)
2007-01-22 14:22:12 UTC
HR Block. They insure their work with a minimum fee of about 20.00 but depending on your situation the cost could be 200.00 to do your taxes. I 've gone to HR block for 10 years. We always opt to get our refund then and there so it costs a pretty penny to do so . However you are made to feel like family, your treated with respect, and they do taxes right.
elizabeth v
2007-01-17 22:06:54 UTC
Turbo tax on the web is the best place to file your taxes.
2007-01-22 18:28:48 UTC
Go Online to It only cost $9.95 to file both State and federal taxes and its easy to do.. Good Luck
2007-01-18 08:53:26 UTC
i work for h & r block. they guarantee their services up to $5000.00 in case of any problems.

everyone charges about the same, it is just where you feel your peace of mind will be with.

also if you dont have alot of money and make less than $50,000.00 a year, you can go to and they have a website you are linked to to file your taxes electrically./ the thing is you need to know what credits youa re intialled to from the taxes. if you are not too familiar with this purpose, go see a professional.

also h & r block has a computer based tax program called taxcut. the cool thing about this tax program is that you can be linked to a live professional if you have any questions while you are doing the taxes.
2007-01-17 22:22:57 UTC
My computer desk is where I'm most comfortable doing taxes. I load up Tax Cut and away I go.
2007-01-23 16:15:38 UTC
where do you suggest going to files you taxes?

regales were you going,they will for sure be at the cavern es spending table
2007-01-18 10:38:43 UTC
The best way i have found is to buy Turbo Tax Deluxe and then you can do them yourself.This costs between $40.00 and

$50.00. I have been using it for about 5 years with no problems.
2007-01-19 09:51:33 UTC
Taxes used to be about reinfunding and getting some with no claims or ticketry, now it is all about social work and zero tolerance, so money should be put in stock and commercial wiz, not common firms with an attitude for trouble.

My taxes are in bonds and some social work, very much like other common people, about an agency or colectable mutual, I too do not recommend any, out of simpathy for illegal and unorthodox fellow citizens. Taxes are to be filled and quarrelled, so H&r and others are out of the question if peace and social work are intended, othermost it is reasonable to perform paragraphs of disarray in case one is to collect during next judicial year for reinbursements from farming pranks. Bye.
2007-01-18 05:19:18 UTC
Click on "Free File" here at the IRS website. I've used (which I accessed from the IRS website) for the last 3 years and love it. If you meet income limits you can file your taxes for free.
Lisa N
2007-01-17 23:44:03 UTC
Try "Jackson Hewett"

They have a reputation for getting the most money back, and they electronically file FOR FREE and they have a contest where you win up to 5 times your refund!

There is a coupon online for up to 15 dollars off preparation fees. There is also a list of locations.

Good luck.
2007-01-18 16:35:52 UTC
Find a non-commercial CPA company or office that will do your taxes for a reasonable price and that will be able to sit down with you and answer your questions. You should not have to feel like a number just because the government says you have to be.
2007-01-18 07:52:34 UTC
I always go online and do it at Turbotax for my federal and the DOR's service for my state. It is free and quick!! All those tax services out there are a rip off.
2007-01-18 04:43:26 UTC
I do my own. I figure I spent enough time in school...I should be able to do it, so I do. I can certainly understand how difficult it is for people to do their should be simplified. However, if it was simplified a whole industry would shut preparers and accountants.
Bryan _
2007-01-23 04:22:20 UTC
I'd suggest filing them with the IRS. I dont know about the reasonable fee, though.
wanda p
2007-01-23 08:55:33 UTC
I go to a place that is free I had known problems it is in dorchester washington st down from coman square it is at a youth center
2007-01-22 12:24:39 UTC
I think you should go to H&R BLOCK (i work here) we have the most skilled professionals in tax preparation, we train 2000 hours before we begin any tax preparation so i highly recomend us
2007-01-19 16:51:48 UTC
I happen to be a taxpreparer and now for a fact that if you prepare your own income tax, you are more likely to get an audit. This is true. I recommend you have someone pro do it for you, I reccomend to come to my office. My prices are low, and my services are great, and if you live in Southern California you can give me a visit,
2007-01-18 14:36:30 UTC
I hate math had someone do my taxes for years. first a retired cpa then hr and block then a local tax place. then i figured out myself. hot that hard. my best advice is to go to the local libray. the info is all online but imo a pain to read on the net.. so go to the library they have these books. big white ones for tax info. take the book sit down and find out all you can tax for tax credits, deduction you name it.

i just found out a few ones for med transporation for a disabled family member.

there are special ones for health, special needs the disabled, even for the state, um, travel and job hunting things, as well us many for the military even for you guardsman and reservist.
2007-01-22 17:19:01 UTC
go to a reputable accountant. these places such as H&R Block are out for money only, they don't care about the person behind the forms.
2007-01-18 09:49:27 UTC
If you want to file yourself you can e-file. If you go on the IRS website they have a list of websites you can use for free if you make under 50,000 dollars. You just input your info and it figures your stuff out. Than you file it and send in a hard copy.
2007-01-18 08:01:46 UTC
H & R Block is the best place I ever been to. They also have a program that intitles you go back to them if they made a mistake (Which never happens)and they will pay for up to $5000. They alos go in and try to get you the best deals on your taxes, They are fast and accurate.
2007-01-18 06:39:35 UTC
Bacause of my projects and their tax deductions I've had a private CPA for the past 10 years because he really gives me the service and attention I need. But, if you use the government short form with little or no deductions, I'd go to a company like H&R Block. (It's a sad commentary about our system that it's not always safe to do your own tax forms.) It's worth the money and, if you are audited, they go with you.

good luck!
2007-01-23 06:19:01 UTC
We always go to H&R Block.They had our check in our hands within 10 minutes after filing :)
2007-01-22 19:48:16 UTC
You can efile for free online with turbotax as long as you go through the IRS website. It will walk you through all the steps

I have been doing it for years
2007-01-21 23:54:44 UTC
I recomend turbo tax. I have used it the last 5 years with no problems.
2007-01-18 00:40:00 UTC
Doing it at home. Taxes is the easiest thing that people seem to find incredibly difficult. Its just filling-in-the-blanks and comes with a booklet if you have any problems doing it.
2007-01-19 10:13:13 UTC
For the last 2 years went to an independent tax processor she was good and last year found us extra money so for $45 if was well worth it.
2007-01-24 10:45:59 UTC
I go on the site to their free file area. They provide free services for people who make less than $50,000.00.
2007-01-18 20:59:37 UTC
I suggest going to Wal-Mart and purchasing the Tax ACT software. I have used this software for three years now and I love it. It is easy to manuveur through and gives you options on how to fix mistakes. It also gives you prompts as to how to get better deductions. It is a FANTASTIC way to do your taxes in your on home on your on time. TR Y IT
2007-01-18 08:09:45 UTC
H&R Block has always been my choice. You can even purchase the programs to do it all yourself at Office Depot, Office Max, or WalMart. It comes with an auditing guarantee and the pricier program includes e-file...right now, Office Max has it for $60.00, no hidden fees either.

OR you can go into one of their offices, they have been around for the longest of any of these others.
2007-01-17 21:44:06 UTC
I tried H and R blocks last year and the woman talked to her son on her cell phone, and asked me questions while he was on the phone. When she got off the phone I took my papers. Everyone is telling me to try turbo tax. I will try that this year.
2007-01-23 08:33:37 UTC
I use the same accountant my dad uses. Just because he already knows us. He looks out for you, and I think the fee is reasonable. (They'll cut you a break if you're not getting much back!)
2007-01-18 10:28:00 UTC
IF I went to someone I would go to H&R Block. I do my own because I just use the 1040 and nothing to itemize and all that. As to why I would go there, I would want to go somewhere with a good reputation. Somewhere that will back up the return, and they are supposed to back up the rebate if it comes back they will pay the late fees and all that type of stuff according to my friend who goes there.
2007-01-18 08:58:54 UTC
I like the post office. You can get a certificate of mailing for just 95 cents.
2007-01-17 19:35:06 UTC
I generally just pay for Turbo Tax, as it makes it so easy to walk through it all yourself!
2007-01-18 08:03:48 UTC
TurboTax rocks! H&R Block is wayyy to expensive and not very comforting in their answers to your questions.
2007-01-17 21:10:38 UTC
Try using Turbo Tax or using the website. TT is 15.00 and IRS is is free :)
2007-01-17 18:38:17 UTC
NONE. BUY TURBO TAX & File Online. H & R Block is a rip off.

They charge me a huge fee and then made me wait 3 weeks for the refund. They couldn't get me a loan to get it faster because my refund was almost all Earned Income Credit.

I tried Jackson Hewitt the following year. They charged higher fees than H & R Block and told me the same thing. No rapid refund because my refund was mostly earned income credit.

I had to wait 4 weeks to get the money with them.

Last year, I filed with Turbo Tax myself the same day I got my W-2. Turbo Tax got me a bigger refund than I ever got before. Plus,

the IRS deposited my refund into my bank account less than 2 weeks after I filed.

The Turbo Tax software is really easy to use and costs less than $40 at Walmart. Way less than the fees at other places.
2007-01-18 22:06:19 UTC
get your taxes done for free by the seasonal volunteers at the library. Call the library info and ask about it. The people who do it are trained and tend to have a good knack for it. They're good people, no $$ involved. They do it because they can and they care about others, they're civic-minded.
2007-01-18 11:26:54 UTC is the best. With a little less tha $10 you can file both the state and the Fedral taxes...check it out
2007-01-18 10:12:10 UTC
2007-01-18 08:17:17 UTC
I am going to Jackson Hewitt They dont charge a big fee
2007-01-17 22:40:17 UTC
H & R Block screwed my taxes up real bad. I got the problem fixed, and got a $10,000 refund from federal. Now i only go to a real accountant. See an accountant, they are much better than a mall chain.
Doll Luvr
2007-01-24 05:25:04 UTC
2007-01-23 03:31:53 UTC
IRS Website! If your limit is above that, follow links provided by advt's therein!
Love United
2007-01-19 06:08:42 UTC
I suggest going to Wal-mart and buying turbo tax. That's only if you are single, and don't own your own home. If you own your own home and have other investments Cd's, Stocks, things of this nature I say find an accountant because they can find you an innumerable amount of deductions.
2007-01-17 20:02:02 UTC
I always do mine myself and mail them in.

That is most reasonable as it's only the cost of the stamps.

Many of the online programs let you do them for free, it's only when you file electronicly that you have to pay. I always check "file later" and then print it off and copy on a blank form.

Then mail it in.
Yo it's Me
2007-01-17 18:42:48 UTC
Unless you are itemizing and/or make more than 100K, why not just do-it-yourself? Form 1040EZ is called EZ for a reason. Why pay somebody $125 when you can do it yourself in a few minutes and mail it in. And I'm talking about the paper version, not a software package.
2007-01-22 16:31:47 UTC
If you own a house or a business, you must go to a CPA or EA.

Not only will they find every deduction possible, only they can represent you if you are audited.
2007-01-18 15:24:51 UTC
I have been using TurboTax for 6 yrs now. It has increased in price dramatically. I use the online version and am very unhappy with the price and how they lead you to upgrade, upgrade. It is very simple and great to have the previous years information all there already..but now they have me, and they're f-ing me. I feel cheated.
2007-01-18 04:27:37 UTC
well if ur income is less than 50,000, then you can file/e-file your federal tax for free, using either turbotax or H&R block or many other companies.. it is very easy and effective. i just did mine today. it took me only 30 minutes and i got all my paid tax back..

check this link:,,id=118986,00.html

good luck
2007-01-17 16:17:15 UTC
I was surprised at how easy Turbo Tax was to use. It reminds you of deductions and you can file electronically. I used to use an accountant but after moving to a different state I decided to try Turbo Tax. If you don't have a really complicated situation, try it. I am a homeowner and Turbo made those deductions easy, too.
2007-01-23 07:55:36 UTC
use taxact online or a cheap tax program.

when you use someone else's service of course you pay for it somehow.
Kelly S
2007-01-18 13:09:33 UTC
well I'm sure you have hundreds of answers - but each year I use taxact at and you do it online and usually the regular standard version is free or $7.95 filing fee at most. I use it each year and you get your money back quicker.
hazel eyes
2007-01-17 20:24:31 UTC
Go to a private person rather than H&R Block, ask friends where they go and use that person they are the best in getting you the biggest refund.
bonnie s
2007-01-22 20:40:13 UTC
H& R Block has a good home computer program.
2007-01-20 13:34:59 UTC
Do it yourself.

I like TaxAct software. You can do it for free on-line at or pay for the fancy version and it costs less than TurboTax.
2007-01-18 05:43:11 UTC
Online at turbotax or Not H and R block they are always in a hurry and dont take there time!
2007-01-18 02:56:06 UTC
TURBO TAX definetly , very simple affordable and fast
2007-01-24 10:10:33 UTC
Southeastern lending at ur nearest location
2007-01-21 22:09:22 UTC
I use a CPA, and have for nearly 20 years. If H&R Block works for you, fine.

But i would never feel I could do this on my own
2007-01-18 11:36:17 UTC
I will just tell you to avoid H&R Block at all costs! We went there last year and we paid $150.00 to have our refund in 3 days. We didn't get it until October and they kept our money.
2007-01-24 13:28:34 UTC
I would have to say your local tax agent!
2007-01-24 09:24:11 UTC
My friend and her husband do their taxes themselves using Turbotax.
2007-01-22 12:30:42 UTC
2007-01-18 16:55:27 UTC
try using turbo tax. it's great computer software that's easier and cheaper than a tax accountant
2007-01-18 05:55:05 UTC
I highly reccomend ! I've used it for years and had great luck with deduction finders!
2007-01-21 18:08:36 UTC
H & R block they seem to get the most back for me!
2007-01-18 16:46:02 UTC
On my computor using TurboTax. Fast and Easy.
kd s
2007-01-18 06:57:28 UTC

all online service.

They are located in NY in the Empire State Building.

great service... especially if you have a business.
2007-01-17 22:40:16 UTC
H & R Block is friendly and thorough. If there is a mistake, they will take the blame. Also, you can earn quick cash by referring others to them. I tried them last you for the 1st time after always using small town places. Very impressed. The only way to go.
2007-01-17 16:34:56 UTC
Invest $40 bucks and buy Turbo Tax software. Its fool proof. Use their interview mode. Its like having an accountant ask you questions you simply answer. The software is geared to finding deductions and tax credits.
2007-01-24 00:55:36 UTC
Turbotax is great! It is easy and will walk you thru step by step! Good luck!
Mt ~^^~~^^~
2007-01-17 17:08:03 UTC
If your taxes are fairly 'cut and dry', I suggest buying Turbo Tax, I used it last year and it was easy, and checked for updates. You can file as soon as you're done on line and have it Direct Deposited and get it fast. I think we got ours in 10 days. It cost, if I remember correctly, $29.00!
2007-01-23 17:19:17 UTC
turbo tax
2007-01-21 15:07:44 UTC
Everyone is my family uses a family friend who is a retired accountant. He always does good.
2007-01-22 15:37:34 UTC
I like H&R Block
2007-01-17 16:54:18 UTC
Last year I did my taxes myself and this year I used . The website walks thru the whole process step by step and DOES NOT charge you until you actually file. I paid $15 for federal and state efile and got three times as much back than I did last year, checkem out.
2007-01-17 08:27:32 UTC
H&R Block actually has a spotty reputation at a little research and you'll find numerous complaints for errors made on returns as well as serious ethical issues on how they steer customers into high interest rate refund loans. Recently they were pushing IRAs that charged higher fees than the returns paid on the money market that the IRA investments were required to be put into until they were forced to stop the practice by the Fed. The bottom line is that when retail tax preparers are incented to sell additional products the person preparing your return may not have your best interest in mind. The great majority of tax payers can do it themselves with Turbotax or similar software programs. If you have a complicated tax situation I would go to a well respected accountant in private practice and stay away from the retail tax perparers like H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt.
I keep them J's on my feet!!
2007-01-18 11:05:58 UTC
Jackson Hewitt, never heard anyone complain.. dont think they charge that much neither + you can always find some coupon on them at like safeway that comes with your receipt LOL ~ Take care
2007-01-17 20:45:12 UTC
I would say your local library yet it takes more time also free of charge
2007-01-18 13:14:09 UTC
If my company did not offer free tax services, without a doubt I would take mine to H & R Block.

They have never failed me nor messed my taxes up, & they guarantee their work.

Even if you get a coupon for $10.00 off some other tax service company; do NOT fall for it! You can't lose with H & R Block.
2007-01-18 10:37:28 UTC
If your taxes are pretty simple - I'd suggest going to and doing it yourself and do the efile, it's SUPER fast and really easy. If you have more complex taxes that you're not willing to try yourself go to one of their offices, it's so easy anymore - and really much faster. :) Their fees go from $9.95 all the way up to $39.95 to do it yourself online
2007-01-22 15:01:55 UTC
To a reputable company such as H & R block
2007-01-18 13:57:54 UTC
Turbo Tax It its so easy and Fast!

Dont pay someone your hard earned money do it yourself.

or click below to download now;jsessionid=SOEB0RPY0V5D2CQIAUPRX1QKBACRCF4K
2007-01-18 12:49:43 UTC
to my accountant, he always looks out for ny best interests, charges the same as he did 5 years ago, and i KNOW that if there is a problem, HE WILL represent me!
2007-01-18 07:09:38 UTC!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's FREE, online, like the software you buy, but it's online and free!!!! I think there is a charge for direct deposit....CHECK IT OUT!
2007-01-21 11:21:34 UTC
hr block or get the for at the post office and do them your self they are easy
Chris B
2007-01-19 20:42:33 UTC
I can tell you where not to go..H&R Block..they charge way to much...for what you's a scam
2007-01-17 15:04:46 UTC
It depends how difficult your return is and if you have the time to do it yourself or have the money to pay some else.

Unless you have a business or other complications, I would suggest you do it yourself. On the other end of the spectrum, if you have a very complex return, go to a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). See the phone book.

To do it yourself, if you have a computer I would suggest computer software like Turbo Tax. These programs are very good these days. Compare the items on last year's return to this years to make sure you don't miss anything. If this is your first year filing you can get help from a friend or relative or a free tax clinic.

If you need just a little help, then HR Block or other tax prep firm can help and they can sometimes be cheaper than a CPA, but I have found errors on complex returns done by them. (Disclaimer: I'm biased since I'm a CPA that provides tax preparation service).
2007-01-19 07:51:13 UTC
Jackson Hewitt! They try to find every deduction possible.
2007-01-18 02:49:09 UTC
2007-01-23 09:04:55 UTC
Jackson Hewitt .I have got more back with them than any one else,and I have not been audit.
2007-01-18 16:46:03 UTC
What about doing it yourself on efile? It's not that hard. Just get organized first and have all your records ready.
2007-01-18 09:00:29 UTC
Online H&R Block. Fast refund and easy as pie! Only 30.00!!!
2007-01-23 13:23:18 UTC
H & R Block....they are really good a little expensive but you willknow you stuff is confidential and that it is handled right
2007-01-18 10:53:41 UTC Fast, easy, and cheap.
2007-01-23 01:21:43 UTC
H&R Block
2007-01-22 11:47:36 UTC
I dont know but my mom goes to the bank to do it
Meagan P
2007-01-19 19:32:51 UTC
turbo tax
2007-01-18 16:41:19 UTC
cute redhead
2007-01-18 11:04:04 UTC
i think h and r block does really good last year i got 6,000.00 back. i claimed head of house hold me and my daughter. and they have diffrent fees depending on how soon you want your money i did the rapid refund got my check very next day for 500.00.
2007-01-23 17:25:22 UTC
I go to the IRS office. They will do it for free.
Dee D
2007-01-21 21:11:01 UTC
if you have a instant tax service where u live go there, their cheaper than those other folks
everyone just calls me mom
2007-01-18 20:55:37 UTC
theres only one place to go to do your taxes, and that's h & r block. they r the best. an they do you right. or atleast they have all ways done myself and my husband right.

so go see them or call infro for their 1 800 # for the one closest to you.
2007-01-21 07:35:42 UTC
I had a good experience at H & R Block....
Jakes Mom
2007-01-18 06:07:47 UTC
H&R block. We have gone there for 4 years and if you get into any problems they will back you up.
2007-01-18 10:42:19 UTC
In a Taxes rank!!!
2007-01-18 06:28:05 UTC
I just use software to do my taxes.

Tax Cut (whatever new version is)
user name
2007-01-22 15:58:17 UTC
filing taxes is just a suggestion. you don't have to file if you don't want to.
Robert B
2007-01-18 04:34:43 UTC
I like Jackson Hewitt. I have gotten mine done there and its always painless and I get a good refund.
2007-01-17 15:34:05 UTC
depends how much you made, If you made less than 51k last year, just do the EZ form online. It only takes 7 days to get your return. If your just an average joe, with not special deductions its your best bet...
2007-01-18 16:38:59 UTC
Do them yourself. Go to Simple and easy.
2007-01-23 02:59:45 UTC
any CA graduate can help you
2007-01-22 15:34:49 UTC
H and R
2007-01-18 15:49:01 UTC
H.R.Block. They guarantee if they make a mistake,they'll stand good for the difference.
2007-01-17 20:10:26 UTC
i'm going to use turbo tax

works great
ken s
2007-01-21 09:39:29 UTC
i have a certified public accountant that i know do mine
Sarah G
2007-01-18 16:18:17 UTC
maybe you can go to H&R Block or maybe if you have a very smart friend they could do your taxes.
Jen M
2007-01-18 06:10:25 UTC
H & R Block..they are so friendly and helpful.
2007-01-23 23:33:12 UTC
try oh mine you won't be dissapointed
sky flake
2007-01-22 15:53:55 UTC
if you can read and write do it your own self
2007-01-19 21:37:09 UTC
Don't be lazy to them yourself. It's not that hard.
2007-01-18 20:09:08 UTC
Wherever Your Parents go.
2007-01-18 01:03:47 UTC
h&R block or one of the online tax softwares out there
2007-01-17 18:00:44 UTC
Depends on your needs,h&r really will not find anymore then an online.....go to taxact online it is free and they do a good job you just need to answer the questions.....and they are FREE and it is e-filed ,,,,,
2007-01-18 10:26:24 UTC
to the IRS Office in your Hood where they do it for free!!!
Jocalyn L
2007-01-18 07:23:40 UTC
you should go to H And R Block
2007-01-18 00:21:27 UTC

My son in law is an attorney so I go to him. He does real estate and income tax. He handles other types of problems too. He does my income tax for free. I don't think he would do yous for free though. I would go to H&R Block. ATShat would be your best bet. Hope you get lots of money back.
2007-01-17 17:19:15 UTC
The best place is ...the simplest way to file for your retun accurately.Go there using or wellsfargo web site and they discount the price by half.
Arun N
2007-01-19 07:50:23 UTC
on line filling is the best.
2007-01-17 22:26:01 UTC
turbo tax. do it yourself it is so easy i promise
2007-01-22 17:20:40 UTC
I have one word for you man.........TURBOTAX!! Its easy,reliable,and cheap!!
2007-01-18 12:59:03 UTC
I go to H&R block and have for 17years. They have always done me right. And are pretty reasonable!
2007-01-18 12:37:13 UTC
turbo tax and do them yourself...
2007-01-17 17:50:59 UTC
Liberty tax service.
2007-01-18 12:04:44 UTC
an off-shore bank
2007-01-17 15:19:35 UTC
I use Kiplinger Tax Cut (an HR Block Company).

Like other said- if you have a relatively easy return, do it yourself and e-file.
BK thang
2007-01-17 08:09:55 UTC
Definitely not a tax organization. I have a lawyer do it for me and maybe charges are 20-50 bucks more but its worth it because they know ins and outs and they hook you up with more money in the end, and it is all legal too. H-Block and other organizations dont do too much researches and where you can legaly cheat so they will give you same tax return check that you had previous year of course unless you had a raise.
2007-01-17 21:45:08 UTC
H & R Block seems really good
2007-01-17 17:54:38 UTC
I have a CPA that does my taxes every year. It's expensive, but at least they're being done right.
2007-01-18 09:58:27 UTC
2007-01-17 21:11:24 UTC
If you want to get most of your money back, you should try to go to a Jewish accountant. They really know what they are doing.
2007-01-17 08:50:43 UTC
This is what I'm doing this morning. Go to the IRS website and click on efile for free. If you made less than $52,000 it's free. Click on one of the sites from the list they give you. I picked Turbo tax free efile. It walks you through the steps.
tampa gurl
2007-01-18 08:33:07 UTC
your best chance would be going to file them at h&r block ............... my mom haz had them for years me there good !!
2007-01-18 11:09:57 UTC
2007-01-21 05:03:02 UTC
2007-01-22 14:12:39 UTC$30.00
2007-01-18 13:44:53 UTC
how about hr block maybe
2007-01-18 11:41:46 UTC
H&R block
Magick Kitty
2007-01-18 11:23:10 UTC
2007-01-17 22:30:31 UTC
H & R Blocks
2007-01-17 17:45:53 UTC
2007-01-18 08:32:10 UTC
2007-01-18 15:32:12 UTC
2007-01-17 22:41:52 UTC
H & r block
khalidah m
2007-01-17 19:11:02 UTC
H&R Block, my mom and sisters go there.
2007-01-17 15:38:10 UTC
I use tax

If you want someone to do them for you. Find a good local person who understands tax laws for your buisness.
2007-01-17 15:08:55 UTC
i use turbotax software and do it myself its easy
Welcome, to the real world!
2007-01-17 08:08:36 UTC
Turbotax is a quick and easy way to do it yourself. Even if you have to itemize!! If you just have to go to someone then I suggest staying away from jackson & hewitt. H&R block would be your best bet.
2007-01-17 18:28:44 UTC
To the PoorHouse
atta s
2007-01-17 17:57:37 UTC
I feel the best place to file taxes, is no were. Always the governments take some of our money. Why is it so?
2007-01-23 00:32:57 UTC
2007-01-17 22:58:49 UTC
I got people!........H&R
2007-01-17 18:05:44 UTC
H&R Block
2007-01-17 17:20:38 UTC
H&R Block
2007-01-17 15:36:17 UTC
Why I files my taxes wif de U.S. gumment. Dey is jes real happies to gets my munny!!
2007-01-17 16:46:13 UTC
H &R block they are the best
2007-01-17 16:19:06 UTC
We go to the same H&R BLOCK and have our taxes done by the same lady every year. We have never had any problems.
2007-01-17 15:27:44 UTC
H&R Block
jarrilyn p
2007-01-17 15:26:01 UTC
i suggest you to go to American is easier,faster,and they help you
2007-01-17 15:00:30 UTC
I really love H&R block. It seems to me that they work hard to get me my maximum refund and make sure all of my credits are applied. I also had great results using their e-filing feature.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.