Hey I had filed on January 29, 2013 my tax return was accepted on January 30.I had a education tax credit which I claimed because I have started going to school last year. First I saw this magical progress bar that everyone is speaking off, it said received. Then a week later, the bar had disappeared and since then I had the- your tax return Is still processing a date will be provided when available. Well I called the IRS office two days before my 21 days was up.
First day
Me- waited 45 minutes
Agent- Hello how can I help you.
Me- checking tax return status
Agent- has it been 21 days yet? No o well you have to wait 21 days there is nothing I can do to your return here.
Me- why do you have a huge department of people answering phones and no one can do anything ?
Agent - call back when it's 21 days
On the 21st day
Me- waiting 33 minutes
Agent - how can I help
Me- tax return status
Agent- been 21 days yet?
Me- yes
Agent- ow okay let me look
Agent- well looks like you have to let the 21 go over then call us
Me- why do you have a huge department of people answering phones and no one can do anything ?
Agent- call us back
Me-😡 okay
The 22nd day
Me- 48 min wait
Agent- how can I help you
Me- tax return status
Agent- Been 21 days?
Me- yes over
Agent - okay let me see
Agent- you have a education credit so it's 21 days from the 14 of January
Me- so obviously my tax return isn't processed yet, I been calling the last couple of days, you had the power to check it all along and yet you guys were really lazy couldn't even punch a few keys into the computer. Because you didn't even see that the had the education credit until you absolutely had to check it because I told you that it was over 21 days and it was the law.
Still waiting for my return