Its been 21 days and still no tax refund.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Its been 21 days and still no tax refund.?
79 answers:
2013-02-21 09:16:22 UTC
You are blaming Obama because you don't have enough "hard earned money" for your rent? How do you pay your rent the rest of the year? You only get one refund per year. People really need to stop spending their money before they get it. This country wouldn't be in such financial ruin if people would just spend wisely and not use credit so irresponsibly.
Mandy I
2013-02-20 06:06:13 UTC

2013-02-20 04:55:10 UTC
I am going through the same thing; still no money! The deadline is today and I've been on hold wit the IRS for at least 45 minutes now. I don't know whats more frustrating, the automated system, or getting a customer representative who speaks with a heavy accent and you cant understand them. Then the representative uses an automated system. What the heck is this mess!!!!! Might as well make an automated system with a middle eastern accent.
2013-02-22 00:37:19 UTC
I have no idea what the problem is. My husband and I filed Jan,30 and our 21 days is up tomorrow and still no refund and IRS website states that my return is still being processed and will give a date when available also . However my friend and my sister both filled on Feb 1 and got their refunds already which was a week after filing. WT F man we really need our money. But if we owed any taxes we could not tell them we will give a date when available LOL I have called around to some tax offices and was told that the IRS was installing new software to prevent identity theft, and I also heard that it was congress fault, and I have also heard that every return is being triple checked this year. So I don't know and I guess no one will know the real reason until tax time is over... Good Luck
2013-02-21 11:57:05 UTC
I filed on Feb. 1st. I need my refund as urgently as the rest of you, regardless of the reason why we all need the money because life is hard. I just moved and I have no money for anything. I just came back to work from medical leave and my list grows...I had a message on WMR that showed processing then this past Saturday my status upgraded to Approved with a Direct Deposit Date of 02/21/13. With instructions to check with the bank if the refund hasn't been deposited by 02/26/13.... I'm beyond stressed and nervous reading all of the comments....Has anyone else recv'd a deposit date and no refund yet????
2013-02-21 08:28:49 UTC
I too have waited the three weeks, WMR has changed from the bars to "your refund is still processing" @ Bowngal I tried to call the number you provided and it says because of the high call volume I have to call back tomorrow. :/,I have filed with the same guy for 3 years and nothing has changed from last year,except for the amount being larger than I have ever recieved,so I dont understand why they are taking so long.I filed on Jan 26th so it would be ready for the IRS when they started accepting on Jan 30th and it was accepted the 31st. . . To everyone who has commented, Have you guys recieved anything yet?At least I know im not alone in this. .I hate waiting. . .

****Update*****I called the IRS,early if you wanna get through 8008291040,and a rep told me that everything is fine with my taxes and she gave me a DDD of Feb.27th.Also when you call press your language preference then 2 then 00000 until it transfers you to a live person lol Good luck to everyone!!

@Browngal I did try both Ext as well as the 1040# yesterday and all told me to call back today because of high call volume. . .

***UPDATE***It took a few days but the WMR has went back to the bars and now says accepted with a DDD
2013-02-20 18:40:24 UTC
Yea the IRS is on some bs . They told me they will send me a letter regarding my refund but they dont need additional info. Really ???? Wtf you telling me on the 19 that you will send a letter March 4 10 days past my 21 days ! Why can't you just send it now. I like Barack but he needs to get the government yesterday !!!!!
2013-02-19 11:43:24 UTC
I have many difficulties with my refund.I was told my return is in the ERS Dept past couple weeks.I too filed on the 30th. Today my status changed to refund date will be provided when available . I called and got an extremely kind woman. This after many phone calls over weeks with people who were rude and could not give me any information but my refund was in Error Resolution System and I should receive a letter with more information they needed. Well, I never received a letter. When I spoke to the informative woman today she said the ERS had released it and now processing. She informed me I must have sent in the info the IRS needed. But, I never sent them anything nor received a letter form them! I think they are truly trying to hold on to our money. She said I should be getting in next 30 days. I told her I am going through financial hardship. She said that on their end it shows up at least a week in advance as to date of DD. She said I would have to wait at least a week to get it according to her screen. I hope she is wrong. Is this true if there is no DD listed when you speak to a representative , you will have at least a week to wait? And, it has been 21 days , I have received no letter it would be late. so, confused!
2013-02-19 10:30:34 UTC
I file on the 30th of jan and up until today it says still being processed and you should recieve your refund in 21 days. Now says a refund date will be provided when available. I tried calling multiple numbers but they are saying call back wed or thurs. Im guessing because so many people are calling for problems. Dont know what is going on this year I have never had a problem before and everything is the same as prior years.
2013-02-19 10:13:00 UTC
It's seriously ridiculous this year. It's really upsetting how long everything is taking but don't get upset or think something is wrong, you aren't the only one in this position
2013-02-20 07:51:12 UTC
I havent gotten any change either and everytime I call now they just hang up on me. What's going on?? This is not cool. Literally, this is money that is ours and that we have already made. Why are they holding it from us? I have so many important things that were relying on this money to come. If anyone know anything, please give us some information.
2013-02-20 13:16:59 UTC
I am in the same boat as everyone else apparently. I filed 1/26/13 was rejected went through ERS it was corrected and accepted 1/30/13 ( got informatiom from IRS called yesterday) I was supposed to get my refund by yesterday according to turbo tax. The bar on IRS changed from being reviewed or something like that ( the first step) to being processed information will be provided when available. everyone I have talked to that filed after me go their refunds reguardless of how big or small it was. When i called the IRS they didnt tell me that i was going to recieve a letter or that they needed any more info just that there was an issue and it was resolved. Got a message ofn 2/14/13 stating that my refund was finally being processed. Today makes day 21 and thats the same message on the IRS website this is ridiculous i did not have this problem last year i got really fast and all the information is still the same! Unfortunetly now all my bills are going to go to collections because i was supposed to pay them today with my refund (they take it right out of my account) and now i am over drawn because there was no money there. I didn't want to set it up like that....but they said if i didn't they were going to take me to court for not paying.
Andrea Hofmeyer
2013-02-20 05:20:48 UTC
Hello I am having the same issue . I filed 2/4 and the entire time the wmr site has said processing. Today is just says a date will be given when available . I called the IRS an was told there is an error but they aren't sure what it is , and if I receive a letter than they will need additional info - if no letter they will resolve it on their end . My 21 days is mon 2/25 I was told to call back then. I have always filed with the same accountant - same dependents every year - same address nothing has changed . I'm not even sure what the error could be and obviously they can't help . I hope something comes soon !
2016-03-11 02:02:41 UTC
I am in the same situation and my husband called the hotline this morning and finally got an answer from a live person saying that we wouldn't get our refund until after April 2nd because it is still processing. Never mind the fact that my sister filed her taxes a week ago with education credits included and received a refund date for March 13th. Also my last name starts with A so let's hope for the rest of you that it's not alphabetical order! I tried calling in at lunch (hoping to get an explanation) and the hotline just gives me a message that due to a high level of activity to call back the next business day and then hung up on me. I got to a person once and they immediately transferred me to the same message when I told them I wanted to find out if the IRS had received my taxes.
2013-02-20 14:05:21 UTC
Well we are in the same boat :-( Ours was accepted on 2/01/13. It was saying give it 21 days and two days ago it started saying they will give a date when available. Well we called the IRS today and they said ,we are mailing out a letter to everyone that is going past there 21 days. Not sure what is going on here. Never had any problems before it's just so aggravating that you have to wait on them which could take forever.
Gil Baybayan
2013-02-19 11:59:45 UTC
Samething with me filed on 1/31 was saying funds will be available with in 21 days with a wmr bar now today it's saying no bar but your refund is still processing refund date will be provided when available. I don't get it why did it change? It went from 21 days to funds will be provided when available what does this mean?


We called the Irs yesterday they said that our returns just got finished processing. My dd date is Feb. 27th and i just checked my wmr status like 20 minutes ago and its back the bar is at 2 orange bars. It stressed me out that i couldn't find a update for a while i was thinking I was getting audited or something. I hope this helps i just wanted to update and let you guys know it should be ok your refunds should come soon good luck all happy spending!!!
2013-02-20 09:07:24 UTC
I filled on 1/25 accepted on 1/30 my status changed to your refund is still processing on 2/11 I still can't order return transcripts so I called and talked to a very nice rep yesterday and she told me that my refund started processing on the 30th and she didn't see any problems with it but since it was still in processing (I may or may not receive a letter. really?) She stated that I should wait until the 28th of February and call back if I haven't received an update or dd but If I was to receive a letter before the 28th of February I should have my refund back no later than June 30th. I have filled the same way for the last 11 years same address, same kids, same job, the only difference is my wife changed jobs in May.
2013-02-26 07:07:47 UTC
I did my taxes on 2/3 got accepted on 2/4 and this morning I checked on where's my refund and same thing came up that it was still processing but I called IRS since I been hearing that the IRS site is not up to date and when I called they gave me a DD of 3/1 best news finally after waiting so long I hope you all get yours soon
2013-02-24 19:46:13 UTC
I filed my taxes on 1/16/13 and HR Blockk turned them in on 1/30/13, Today is 2/24/13 and the web site says"return still being processed and date will be provided when available" I also called my tax preparer who said the is no reason why I shouldn't have yet. I am real agitated. There is no way to get any answers from the I.R.S. and no one seems to have a clue whats going. But it's B.S. If I owe the government money I'm sure they would be hunting me down to get it!
2013-02-22 06:44:13 UTC
It's been 22 days and i still haven't received my tax return. All my dependents are mine and I don't do any scam with the IRS. It's just crazy! The check my refund just continue to state its processing.............. its been processing for 22 days. So I wany to know what's the delay? You never get a direct answer with the IRS so I'll just continue to wait on their time. Really looking forward to my refund; hope I can pay my bills next month. They need to change that 21 days to any day or no day. So do you call the IRS if 21 days past?
2013-02-20 05:20:33 UTC
Same here. Been processing since it was accepted 1/31. I filed mid January just to have it done. I also freaked because there was a day that there was no information on wmr available at all. When it was available again it did the same thing as everyone else. No status bar anymore just a date will be provided when available. I'm getting really nervous about it!
2013-02-26 15:08:12 UTC
It's been 26 days for me I called to day and spoke with a nice lady after waiting 45 min and she said my return was sent for more processing or some bull crap and to wait

For a letter from the IRS stating that my refund is being held and could take up

To 45 more days after today. Like for real what is that crap friends and family got

Theirs and I am waiting on mine. And the IRS is not government owned its privetly owned just saying. Never the less I want my money I payed you on time now pay up
2013-02-22 06:28:15 UTC
Hey I had filed on January 29, 2013 my tax return was accepted on January 30.I had a education tax credit which I claimed because I have started going to school last year. First I saw this magical progress bar that everyone is speaking off, it said received. Then a week later, the bar had disappeared and since then I had the- your tax return Is still processing a date will be provided when available. Well I called the IRS office two days before my 21 days was up.

First day

Me- waited 45 minutes

Agent- Hello how can I help you.

Me- checking tax return status

Agent- has it been 21 days yet? No o well you have to wait 21 days there is nothing I can do to your return here.

Me- why do you have a huge department of people answering phones and no one can do anything ?

Agent - call back when it's 21 days


On the 21st day

Me- waiting 33 minutes

Agent - how can I help

Me- tax return status

Agent- been 21 days yet?

Me- yes

Agent- ow okay let me look

Agent- well looks like you have to let the 21 go over then call us

Me- why do you have a huge department of people answering phones and no one can do anything ?

Agent- call us back

Me-😡 okay


The 22nd day

Me- 48 min wait

Agent- how can I help you

Me- tax return status

Agent- Been 21 days?

Me- yes over

Agent - okay let me see

Agent- you have a education credit so it's 21 days from the 14 of January

Me- so obviously my tax return isn't processed yet, I been calling the last couple of days, you had the power to check it all along and yet you guys were really lazy couldn't even punch a few keys into the computer. Because you didn't even see that the had the education credit until you absolutely had to check it because I told you that it was over 21 days and it was the law.


Still waiting for my return
2013-02-26 02:59:56 UTC
Filed February 6! Till now, nothing yet! Checked where's my refund and it stated that ill have to wait for an acknowledgement by the IRS and it'll take 24 hours! I've been checking the status since last week and it still says the same thing! I'm so over this BS! The past years, I've received my refund in 5 days after filing! Wtf is going on this year?!?! Oh lord!
2013-02-19 10:17:43 UTC
I am in the same situation as you. I called this morning and got a very helpful and pleasant man that said if anything was wrong an error code would come up on the wmr and a phone number would be provided. so I will sit tight until after my 21 days which would be Wednesday.

btw when I check the wmr it says processing a dd date will be provided when available
2016-11-16 18:31:14 UTC
21 Days From Today
2013-02-20 08:09:22 UTC
i called to today and the rep. told me my refund was still processing and is currently in the review notice departement and that i should have an update by 3/4-3/11 I called back because i wasnt really sure what happened or why it was there and the next rep told me i might need to send in a copy of my w2 to verify income and it should be an additional 3-4 weeks before i even recieve a letter explaining what is missing, if anything is even missing!!. Seriously this is ridiculous, our refund is over 18,000 only because my spouse didnt even work in this country the entire year therefore no taxes should be paid, we already paid over 50,000 in foreign taxes!! we just want our money back
Tasha Major
2013-02-20 06:09:40 UTC
Don't feel bad i am going through the same thing need the money and my 21 days are today yesterday i called there was an error the rep said wait until monday maybe something will change.... On the phone again this morning waiting now to retry to see whats new with it... This is so sad because all us of need our money and everybody around us have gotten thiers and spent it all up... Smh
Taniya Cobbin
2013-02-20 05:53:41 UTC
My 21 days are up today, I just tried calling. The call volume is so high that they couldnt even connect me. I haven't got anything in the mail yet from the IRS. This year is really crazy. Try calling the 800 829 1040 number, press 1 for english and when it gives you the prompts, don't press anything and it will automatically take you to a cust servvice person. I couldnt get through because it was "high volume calling"
2013-02-20 06:44:52 UTC
Same here. Return accepted on 1/30/13 and today is the 21st day and nothing, I haven't received any letter yet. I tried calling but can't get past the automated WMR.. What other # can I call ??
2013-02-23 08:48:48 UTC
If your return was recieved on 1/30 or 1/31 go online today and type in where is my refund and put your tax information in and it will give you a date because I got recieved1/31 and I finally got approved and got a date thank God I will have mine Wednesday 2/27
2014-04-02 16:00:41 UTC
don't feel bad i have waited two months already and every time i call its a different answer first time was it was a system error they were fixing it wait the 21 days and ill see it second time was i have identity theft third time the lady wouldn't tell me anything the forth time it was wait until April 9th and you will get it the fifth time it was well all i can tell you is to wait until may 9th i have been very nice to these people i explained i am a first time father and we just moved and the money was very much needed when are these people going to get there stuff together its bs we pay them all year for them to hold our money and lie i do not agree with this i served my country because i believed in it and i get lies in return
2013-02-20 07:50:45 UTC
same thing here!

filed on 1/30 and was "processing" every single day up until yesterday where it said "a refund date will be provided when available"

does anyone have a number i can actually talk to someone? not a recording?
2013-02-20 07:16:49 UTC
Today makes day 23 for me, I called the IRS and they said that they didn't start processing my return until the 14th of Feb, even though they accepted them on the 30th. So I don't know if any of you are claiming education credits, but they said that anyone claiming them will have a delay since they didn't even start looking at them until the 14th.
2013-02-20 05:24:33 UTC
I'm having the same problem as everybody filed mine in the 24th accepted when they opened and it says the same thing as everybody's, this is the first time I need this money and of course this freaking year is the year we don't get it in time, every year we file early and get the money on feb. 1-2 . Hopefully we all get ours tomorrow since it will be 21 days exactly
2013-02-20 00:10:57 UTC
Yes my situation is same as yours. File on 1/26 accepted 1/30. Still processing as of this moment.
2013-02-23 12:13:05 UTC
i filed jan 18th and it got submitted the thirtieth i am still presently waiting on the twentieth the irs told me that time had not elapsed that i should call fri the 22nd when i tried calling ext 362 was shut off due to high volume of calls i have recieved no letters or anything stating what is wrong either my multi colored bar is gone also its crap if we dodged them it would be tax evasion but they can make us sit and wonder this whole time whats wrong its so messed up my tax preparer is even trying to figure out what is going on this is such crap i agree i hate it also
2013-02-20 04:46:28 UTC
well that makes 3 of us i too have waited the 21 days and nothing yet mines still reads " a refund date will be provided when available " and it was accepted on the 31st of jan??? this is getting on my last nerve all the ppl that i knw that file same day as me already gotten there refund but im still waiting on mine grrr..... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE IRS???
2013-02-23 10:03:00 UTC
Same thing is happening here. I was accepted on the 31. WMR update changed to dd date will be given when available. This is frustrating. When I call I get no where. If we owed money they would be beating down our door.
2013-02-20 13:31:22 UTC
I am having the same issue I efiled on jan24th and the website says still processing..i called today and the represenative said she wont have any up to date information on 2012 returns until the end of the week. and to continue to check the website
2013-10-22 07:33:00 UTC
I filed feb 12th 2013 and it is now oct 22 2013 and still no refund tax advocacy is a joke they say it is ready to go but won't send it about to lose everything
2013-02-20 05:05:30 UTC
Same thing here. Accepted 1/30 and states its still processing. Tried to call and the woman I talked to was rude told me my 21 days was up Friday. Either I can't count or she is stupid
Ms. SoNiA
2015-03-02 10:54:46 UTC
I filed mine on Feb. 5th. Still not accepted, still no letter, I'm left unvthe dark. I tried calling its nd tried the site, both said can't provide me any info. I wish I could speak to a live rep. Any ideas what's going on. Or what I should do...
2013-02-20 19:21:37 UTC
Same here the irs said they would send me a letter.I have filed the same 4 the last 5 yrs. my 21 day is to day
2013-02-22 22:58:33 UTC
I called the IRS yesterday as it marked my 21 days. They told me that since I was claiming a school expense it will be processed differently. She was telling me that people who filed anything with education where reviewed on 2/14 therefore I should get some info in reference to a return date 21 days from 2/14 which just sounds like a cover up to me but oh well. I have no choice but to wait.
2013-02-22 15:58:40 UTC
I am in the same boat. My problem is why can't we get any definate answers on the REAL problems?
2013-02-21 20:06:10 UTC
Yes we r all going through the same ordeal, but I found out something interesting today, wmr is not showing me anything concerning my federal refunds. But I looked up my state refunds and they gave me a date for the 22nd of February. Something is wrong with the federal government system at this time so everyone try to stay patient. And my 21 days r up either tomorrow or the 24th
2013-02-21 18:30:00 UTC
I'm in the same boat waiting on a letter I'm scared *** hell all my info the same expect my address kids in all the same I just want my ******* money I got no letter any one Got a letter if so what does it says
Ronald M
2013-02-21 18:02:54 UTC
I filed on Jan 31st and accepted 2/1/13. today is the 21 days so I check WMR (for the millionth time), it still reads " a date will be given when available" or smt like that. I called the IRS today, I was on hold for about 30 Min. I spoke to a rather nice representative, which also told me there was an error in my account but he didn't know exactly what it is and I should be receiving a letter in the mail within two weeks. Within two weeks of what? Should an error could automatically generate on WMR? I have been filing the same for 3 years now. reading every ones replies makes me relax a bit but still leads me to thinks our fellow IRS is basically mailing out I.O.U.S!
2013-02-21 13:15:13 UTC
I also filed on the 30th and was accepted that day. Called IRS yesterday and they told me it went to the Error Resolution Department. Called back again today and it has been released from the Error Resolution Department and approved. I should have it next week..
2013-02-21 08:39:49 UTC
So extremely upset. The irs has people thinking there working on it when realistically their just sitting on them. I called the irs yesterday and they told me there was an error code on my refund but when I asked my tax preparer he said he got no error notification. They don't want to tell anyone the truth and its messed up. Obama wanted to fix the countries financial issues but why do it where it now effects hard working peoples returns. I am pregnant now so my family needs our returns in order for us to not get evicted. I ask the irs for some documention stating that my return has been pulled for review, so that I can give my landlord proof that am still waiting and the lady on the phone said there's nothing she can do. Am beyond angry with the president and government for allowing this to.happen to.people. am about to be in a shelter and get welfare....maybe then Obama will help me considering those are the only people he helps.....**** there rent is always paid by our hard earned money ON TIME.
2013-02-21 06:54:50 UTC
i filed and was accepted on 1/30 as well & this morning marks 21days. checked wmr and still says processing!!!!!! this is pissing me off... but reading everyones comments puts me somewhat at ease. I too called yesterday and the past wk and the irs rep i spoke with says my refund is sitting in the ERS dept & i should receive a letter if they need additional info. its ridiculous!!! nothing has changed about my filing status for the past years & ive never had to wait THIS LOOOOOOOONG.
2013-02-21 04:52:04 UTC
hey everyone im in the same boat as all of you i filed the 1/30 but they didnt accept me until the 2/1 and my status changed over the weekend to ...

Your tax return is still being processed.

A refund date will be provided when available.

Please read the following information related to your tax situation:

Tax Topic 152, Refund Information

my tax guy said that means im waiting for an dd date and that i should receive it today the 21st but like all of you i havent and even the tax preparers are confused this year because the IRS has changed everything and we are still not completely cleared out of the fiscal cliff thanxx to our "wonderful" govt but if anyone needs a number to call the irs here is one to get a live person who will tell you nothing (800)829-0582 ext 362 or 462 both ext. work fine so you can put either one i dont know what department it takes you too but you will get a live rep. and you tell them that your 21 days are up and you want to know what is happening

********btw*********** OMG the REP SAID my DD is schedule for 2/26 OMG OMG OMG i been waiting since january im so freaking happy my oldest daughters bday is the 27th and i thought i wasnt going to be able to do anything for her and my birthday is saturday the 23th :( i wanted to buy myself a car but i will wait until the 26th the rep also said that when our status says

A refund date will be provided when available.... that this means the service is waiting for a date to issue for your DD date

@Kaylynn no the WMR didnt change the info i got was directly from the live Rep and when you call say to them **** your 21 days is up what is happening? and then they will ask you your info and give u the update thats in their system****

@Maryalic i called at 715am this morning when they opened and i was on hold for 30 mins for a live rep and did you try Both numbers?? and im calling right now again and its going thru again im on hold estimated wait time 30 mins....
2014-02-28 22:09:26 UTC
I filed and was accepted on 2/3/2014 and now its 2/28 and still have nothing. i dont get it. my wmr bar has been gone for almost 2 weeks
2013-02-22 13:02:41 UTC
same here my 21 days were up on the 20th of Feb. its Friday the 22 and still nothing. it sucks because i just lost my job and had been counting on that money to pay rent, bills and buy food for my two small boys...the IRS advices not to make plans with the money because its unsure when you'll actually get it ha ha yea because we all have so much money in the bank right?? not. you would think that the government would care more that families are in hardship.
2013-02-22 12:54:54 UTC




2013-02-22 10:59:50 UTC
I'm in the same boat!!!. I filed on Feb 4 and today is day 18 for me and no word. The wmr bar still say it's being processed. I went by the office were I filed on the 15th and she checked and said that my daughters birthday was entered wrong so she corrected it and said that it shouldn't cause any additional delay but I doubt it after reading what every one else has to say. My nephew filed after me and received his on yesterday. I didn't realize so many others were having the same problem. I too thought that perhaps I owed something or being audited for some reason but now I see that they are just slow this year. I have always filed the same way and have never experienced such a delay as this one. The thought of waiting 4 additional weeks is simply unbearable. Good luck to everyone though.
2013-02-22 08:52:07 UTC
I'm I'm the same boat.. Let's start paddling!

My return was excepted the Jan 30 it's now the 22 of February, I called several times only to be told something different every time. First I was told to submit my taxes by paper since the processing is just on hold "didn't except that". Second the nice man told me that they mailed me a letter, and I returned it so now to just be patient, "well I never got a letter to begin with" because I'm not the only one this is happening to. The third call this morning was my charm, he said I have a ddd of the 27 th "YAY" fingers crossed for me, and all of you!! Trust me GOD is good. I will get back on, on the 27 to give everyone update.
2013-02-21 22:29:24 UTC
I really think the Gov is over their heads with people returns. They must be low on funds and wasn't anticipating such a back up like this. Bills are due, im on day 23 of waiting.Turbotax told me i would have my money on the 19th of Feb. Here we are,its 2/22/2013. #ughh..over it!
2013-02-21 18:00:06 UTC
Tomorrow is my 21 days 02/22/13 and the I.R.S page it has a timeline and it says that its been received but not that its been approved or sent is there any other page where i can check im really frustrated already i call my tax lady and all she says is that it should be here tomorrow but i honestly doubt it... :-(
2013-02-21 17:34:24 UTC
I filed on the 21st of January. They accepted it on the 25th. The irs took it early for a test run. Well here it is now the 27th day and nothing! I finally called them today and they said that there was some errors and that I should've received a letter. Well I told her I haven't and she put me on hold. After about 10 minutes she came back on and said that I had gotten a lteer and I must have already responded. I said no I never received anything. So she told me not to worry about it that maybe it was or is an issue with the I.R.S AND that they don't needme to figure it out. I don't know what to do now. She also said that it could take up to another 40 days for them to work it out and then another 4 to 6 weeks to give me a D.D what the heck is going on with the I.R.S:????????
2013-02-21 16:29:00 UTC
I got same from irs theyr was error it was fixed could deposit anytime now to 4 weeks at worst
2013-02-21 15:56:03 UTC
In the same boat
2013-02-21 15:48:41 UTC
Same here filed Jan 30 .....21 days later nothing called irs was told refund on hold because they need to verify info and the letter was printed on Feb 13 it's the 22 and nothing still. I went to local irs office to pick up copy of notice they said they are not doing walk in inquiries this year and I would have to wait or letter it can take 2 weeks for letter. I found the irs fraud line so I could verify my info the rude man said just wait in your letter.
2013-02-21 15:44:43 UTC
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Today is the 21st day and still nothing. I too get that message of "return still being processed and a date will be provided when available". I was thinking I was being audited, but it's a little comforting to know that they said you would have been flagged already. I know people who filed and got their refunds in a week, so I'm like what's going on!

My boyfriend (who filed a week after me) also received that same letter. It is definitely ridiculous! Hope we get some kind of update soon!
2013-02-21 13:55:40 UTC
Kinda funny, all the democrats on here voted to give the government and the IRS complete control over their healthcare and now their whining because of their checks being withheld...Ya'll ain't seen nothing yet, this is just a taste of the dems beloved statism !
2013-02-21 13:37:39 UTC
So i called the irs today I am at 21 days today and the lady told me they had just started to process my return wth I filed the 31st so if I hadn't called it would still be sitting there..
2013-02-21 12:51:23 UTC
I'm in the sane boat. Yesterday was my 21st day and no refund. I called and said it went to the error department but showed I was not sent anything but they got the info needed and give it another 4 weeks. I called today and told that's not true that it's being processed but could take another 30 days. I really need the money for some car repairs. Has anyone gotten an update with a dd? They said if I hadn't got it back in 30 more days to call back. Who long can they go without refunding?
2013-02-21 10:18:51 UTC
i saw from a person on another sight that she called and was told that anyone who had EIC there was a glitch in the program and it would be another week or possibly 2 , i also filed on 1/26 accepted the 30 and still waiting i also had EIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-02-21 07:54:41 UTC
After waiting for 21 days. I just got off of the phone with the IRS. The lady told me their was an error in their system. So my return has to be entered in manually and this could take an additional 4 weeks. Im very aggervated.
2013-02-21 06:40:43 UTC
@browngal what does the irs wmr say?? Did it change?
2013-02-21 06:25:39 UTC
Today makes the 21st day for me also I just got off the phone with the IRS and was told my account had been pulled for randomd review (aduit) and I should have received a letter or will be and the letter was dated and to allow 30 days from the date of the letter to inquire about my refund I was also explained that a lot of people had been pulled for random review and this could slow the process up so allow up to 45 days......... To me this is a ploy by the IRS to wait to send out checks because they don't have the money I fille the same ever year I'm head of house I claim both of my son's and the only thing that has changed is our address the IRS rep said as long as everything as far as my numbers looks justifiable then there should be no problem. Looks like a lot of people will be waiting this year this is such a bad situation for a lot of us to be in I hope this info helps
2013-02-19 10:13:59 UTC
The 21 days arent until tomorrow
2013-02-20 11:51:55 UTC
I just checked my status on the wmr.Its telling me to wait 4 weeks from the date i filled my taxes which was Jan30,2013 intill they would have any information. They also came me a reference #.This is sum bs
2013-02-22 05:09:00 UTC
I finally got a deposit date for the 26th I've been very patience good luck to all I know it's crazy especially when you have bills or in need of money
2013-02-20 06:56:12 UTC
I just called the irs hotline number and they said the office is closed. Uhhhh what?
Not an astronaut
2013-02-20 07:30:53 UTC
I'm in this boat too... I want answers!! I have a sneaking suspicion they are broke somehow. Even though we as taxpayers pay their light bills. Waiting impatiently.
2013-02-23 09:34:50 UTC
its been 21 days and i havent reserved my refunds can you tell me
2016-12-14 10:20:27 UTC
Where Is My Refunf

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.