The money you receive will not be income to you as long as you use it to purchase equipment for another person. If you are paid anything for providing this service, that amount will be income.
The money also is not a gift to you, because you must spend it on behalf of the person who sent it to you.
Therefore, unless you are allowed to keep some of the money, you will not receive income or a gift in this transaction.
A couple of other thoughts:
* Don't confuse what has to be reported to the IRS or Treasury Department with what is taxable income. There are minimums for reporting purposes, but any amount that you receive for services is taxable income.
* Don't assume that any international wire transfer is under the radar these days.
* If you will be shipping computer equipment out of the country, be sure you comply with any restrictions there may be on exporting certain kinds of equipment.
You should confirm this advice with a professional advisor.