1. This sounds like a nice idea, but when corporate costs increase they have to be made up somewhere. That means higher prices. The consumer pays corporate taxes ultimately so this would just be shifting the load with little real benefit.
1. Sorry, but since they're levied only on the wealthiest estates I can't agree with you. Farmers and small business owners can take measures to limit the estate tax burden and if they fail to do so they have only themselves to blame.
3. OK, I'll go along with that one. But my agreement there may be skewed by the fact that it would have helped me last year and may this year as well.
4. Actually, the vast majority if EITC fraud involves US citizens, not illegal aliens. Few illegals even file tax returns, let alone claim the EITC.
5. This is a good idea. I'll go along with you on that one.
6. Health Savings Accounts already give us this. If you don't have an HSA, open one now! Additionally, HSAs allow expenditures for many medical care that is not otherwise deductible so there's an additional benefit from them.
7. There's a LOT we can and should do for our veterans and citizen-soldiers (Guardsmen & State Militias) but this isn't it. As a 21-year veteran of military service I'd benefit massively from this but I don't feel that I'm entitled to that level of largesse. I made it through the 1st Gulf War unscathed and don't feel the country owes me a lifetime 50% tax credit. They could give me back the 50% of my retirement that my ex-wife got but did nothing to earn. And we can do MUCH for our war-wounded returnees that would be far more valuable to them than a 50% tax cut.
8. The AMT simply needs to be indexed to inflation, ideally based upon the cost of living when it was implemented nearly 40 years ago. But it still is needed to ensure that the wealthiest of the wealthy at least pay something.